
E.S. Teodor, Digging the frontier, tackling the epidemics. Researches on Bran Pass (2021), DOI: 10.46535/ca.28.2.
Key-words: quarantine, border guards, cartography, landscape archaeology, Roman road.

D. Ștefan, M.-M. Ștefan, LiDAR views of Bronze and Iron Age hill-top sites in the South-Eastern Carpathians (2021), DOI: 10.14795/j.v8i3.661.
Key-words: LiDAR, fortifications

V. Sîrbu, D. Ștefan , M.-M. Ștefan, E.S. Teodor, I. Cândea, A. Popa, D. Măndescu, S. Matei, L. Savu, R. Munteanu, D. Buzea, V. Kavruk, C. Croitoru, S. Pandrea, C. Șuteu, B. Ciupercă, D. Garvăn, A. Vîlcu, T. Isvoranu, Unhiding forested landscapes. The Archaeological Index of South-Eastern Carpathians, (2021) DOI: 10.14795/j.v8i2.631.
Key-words: LiDAR, online data bases, workflows.

D. Măndescu, Between East and West. Early Iron Age intercultural connections reflected by the necropolis from Valea Stânii, Argeş county (2020).
Key-words: Hallstatt D, tumuli necropolises, cultural contacts, mountain routes.

Key-words: South-Eastern Carpathians, Byzantine Empire, First Bulgarian Empire, 8th—10th centuries AD, fortifications, salt.

D. Ștefan, M. M. Ștefan, V. Sîrbu, L. Savu, Al. Halbac, Remote-sensing and archaeological survey of LiDAR data acquired in the Olt Gorge, at Racoș. Part I. The study of installations and structures related to quicklime production (2020).
Key-words: LiDAR, anomalies, lime-kiln, GeoSlam.

D. Ștefan, M. M. Ștefan, D. Buzea, Preliminary results of geophysical and remote sensing research from Covasna - Cetatea Zânelor (2020).
Key-words: Late Iron Age hillforts, LiDAR, geophysical survey, old roads.

V. Sîrbu, L. Savu, D. Davîncă, Dacian graves (2nd-1st centuries BC) at Rotbav in South-Eastern Transylvania (2020).
Key-words: Late Iron Age, cemeteries on mountains, discrete funerary practices.

V. Sîrbu, S. Matei, Dacian residential centres (davae) and tumuli graves East of the Carpathians (1st c. BC - 1st C. AD) (2020).
Key-words: Late Iron Age, fortifications, cultural connections.

M. M. Ștefan, D. Ștefan, D. Buzea, New investigations in the fortifications from Teliu, Brașov (2019).
Key-words: Late Iron Age, Hallstatt C-D, LiDAR, earthworks, burnt ramparts, geophysical survey, C14.

D. Măndescu, Roads and passes through the Carpathians - their first occurences in cartography (2019).
Key-words: historical cartography, old roads.

Key-words: old-roads; Oituz Pass, Roman period.
Key-words: road-intersections as aggregators of ritual activity, Iron Age, geophysics.

Key-words: mountain roads, old roads; Tartar’s Pass, roman temporary camps, remote-sensing, WW1 battlefields.

In print

Collective volume: Hidden Landscapes. The Lost Roads, Borders and Battlefields of the South-Eastern Carpathians (V. Sîrbu, Ștefan D., Ștefan M. eds)
Explore the Table of Contents
Highlands Archaeology. From Theory to Practice
1. V. Sîrbu, Ștefan D., M. M. Ștefan, The gate of South-Eastern Carpathians – a diachronic perspective.
2. G. Murătoreanu, Ștefan D., A Geographic Journey through the South-Eastern Carpathians.
3. D. Ștefan, M. M. Ștefan, Airborne LiDAR for an archaeology of the Highlands. Updating methodology and aims
4. D. Măndescu, V. Sîrbu, Scent of Archaeology in the heart of Europe, in the eve of the Enlightenment: sites and sights on the Visconti’s Mappa della Transiluania (1699).
5. A. Vîlcu,  Mapping circulation. The inventory of coin finds from the Curvature Carpathians area (XIV-XIX century).
6. E. S. Teodor, R. Bolba, World War One battlefields of the Curvature Carpathians. Defending the shortest road to Bucharest.
Living in the Highlands
Crossing the mountains. Roads and Borders